150 S. York Street, P.O. Box 1748 Gastonia, NC 28053
(704) 866-6907
Map of Community or Neighborhood Boundaries
4. Please list below the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of up to four Community Leaders for your Community or Neighborhood.
Full Name of Community Leader #1
Address of Community Leader #1
How many additional contacts would you like to provide?
Full Name of Community Leader #2
Address of Community Leader #2
Full Name of Community Leader #3
Address of Community Leader #3
Full Name of Community Leader #4
Address of Community Leader #4
5. What is your Community/Neighborhood's meeting schedule? If possible, please provide the date, time, and location/s for future meetings.
7. Is your Community/Neighborhood Organization open to anyone who lives or owns property in the community or neighborhood regardless of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin or physical and mental disability?
9. Is your community/neighborhood associated with any of the following: (Check all that apply)
10. Please attach or type in the following requested information:
(If Applicable) Copy of Community/Neighborhood Organization's Bylaws
Statement of Support: Provide a letter or other documentation to show that the membership of your community/neighborhood supports the application for formal recognition.
An example of a Statement of Support can be found by clicking HERE.
By signing below, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, I certify that I am accurately representing the community or neighborhood in which this application is being completed in order to be formerly recognized by the City of Gastonia's Alliance for Community Enrichment (A.C.E.) program. The community/neighborhood members have been properly informed and are in support of becoming partners with the City of Gastonia through joining the A.C.E. program.
Sign Here