Design Review for the Central Business Zoning District (CBD) and Urban Mixed Use (UMU) Zoning District are handled by the Design Review Committee (DRC). This board meets as needed, so please allow for 1 month for your application to be reviewed.
The purpose of these district design standards is to ensure that development and rehabilitation taking place is executed with appropriate urban design, site planning and architectural principles and techniques. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) sets forth design review as a measure to promote a stable, attractive, economically viable, pedestrian-scaled environment in the downtown area of Gastonia.
Applications will be evaluated by the DRC on the basis of the materials provided by the applicant, the CBD District Design Standards, UMU District Design Standards, Long Range Plans and any other pertinent sections of the City UDO.
Applications must include a signed letter by the owner of the subject property or his agent approving the application request, and must be accompanied by sketches, drawings, photographs, specifications, descriptions, etc. of the proposed project sufficient to inform the DRC of the nature and extent of the proposal.
Copies of City documents such as the CBD Design Standards, UMU Design District Standards, UDO and Long-Range Plans are available on-line at